KIID 2024 International Invitation Exhibition
KIID 2024 International Invitation Exhibition With interior design gaining significantly more momentum than ever before, the Korean Institute of Interior Design(KIID) holds the KIID International Invitation Exhibition on an annual asis with the aim of evolving into a specialized academic organization with an interdisciplinary perspective.
The KIID International Invitation Exhibition acts as a multifaceted design event which showcases a wide range of design projects and plans covering interior design, urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, furniture, lighting,
color, and the environment while providing numerous visual materials containing diverse design contents (i.e. sketches, photos, posters, and so on).Against this backdrop, we call upon all invites to submit their design outcomes embodying various design contents across design, research, observation and ideas, experiments, and design philosophy to the upcoming 2024 International Invitation Exhibition.As so-called glocalization comes under the spotlight, this event can contribute to enhancing the global convergence of local environments by offering a practical chance of experiencing global design trends and diverse local cultures. Thus, we would like to request your strong interest and active participation in the upcoming KIID 2024 International Invitation Exhibition aimed at laying the foundation for a design festival and cultural exchange under the banner of a new convergence between design and culture.
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